While mattresses are an essential part of your sleeping experience, there are also other elements that add up to create either a great night’s sleep… or a horrendous one. Many people today are looking for the best pillow reviews online. Whelp - I’m here to provide you with one.
Choosing a pillow can be more difficult than you think. It’s also usually much more important of a task than people perceive it to be - sleep deprivation is believed to kill you before food deprivation! And a pillow is one of the main components needed to avoid being deprived of sleep.
So, what is the best pillow ever? Well, we’ll look at ten top-tier contenders:
- Saatva Latex Pillow
- GhostBed Memory Foam Pillow
- Puffy Pillow
- Layla Kapok Pillow
- Nectar Memory Foam Pillow
- Helix Adjustable Pillow
- PlushBeds Natural Latex Pillow
- The Purple Pillow
- Leesa Hybrid Pillow
- The Original Coop Home Goods Pillow
The Importance of Finding the Best Pillow
So… What do the best pillows have to do with sleep deprivation, and how should you go about choosing a pillow that would fit you?
Well, as far as sleep deprivation is concerned, that’s pretty simple. Imagine that the quality of your sleep is measured by a few different factors - your mood, exhaustion level, the quality of your bed and its components (duh) and so on. If one of these factors falls off, you’re looking at an increased chance of waking up in the morning, completely deprived of sleep.
Naturally, some things matter more than others. It is generally agreed upon that, when it comes to bed components, a good mattress and the best pillows you can find are some of the more important factors out there.
Now, while choosing the best pillow ever can drastically improve the quality of your sleep, that doesn’t really answer the question of how you should go about doing it, right?
For starters, the very first thing that you should do is think about your allergies - do you have any? Are there any things that trigger a running or a stuffed nose while you sleep? What’s the environment like in your bedroom - is it cool, or does it tend to get hot?
Depending on your answers, deciding what is the best pillow might be pretty simple - most people’s opinions are only going to differ when it comes to the pillow being soft or stiff, big or small, and perhaps the stuffing.
A few things that every contender for the spot of the best pillow should have figured out is dust mite avoidance, quality covers (whatever they might be), optimal pricing and ease of cleaning.
Also, upon choosing the best pillow for yourself, do make sure that all of the essential features really do fall in-line with your preferences before buying.
All too often people get mixed up in the different pillows out there (i.e. someone's looking for the Saatva Dreams pillow (currently simply known as the Saatva pillow) reviews, stumbles upon Sleep Dream pillow Okita reviews, thinks they're the same thing), and end up purchasing something that doesn't add up to their wants and needs.
Right, so - you know what to look for when it comes to the customer best pillow reviews out there. But you’ve come here for facts - for actual suggestions regarding the topic of best pillow choice. So, let’s get right into it.