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We all want to sleep well, whether it be in our own beds back at home or even outdoors or at a friend’s place. For situations where you’ll have to stay away from your bedroom for an extended period of time (or perhaps you yourself are having guests?), you’ll need the best air mattress out there.

This review will help you find just that.

Today, we’ll cover some of the best air mattresses in the industry. 3, to be exact - we’ll talk about each one of their pros and cons, and some other specifics. Before that, however, we’ll take a look at why you might need an air mattress, in the first place.

Air mattresses, however, have a lot of cons - for example, they aren't going to be beneficial for anyone who's looking to alleviate their back pains[1]. If you’re looking for a long-term product, I’d advise you to take a look at a different list containing some of the best mattress providers in the current market.

The air mattress list goes, as follows:

The better alternatives for air mattresses are:

Here is The Best Saatva Offer I Found:

Why Should You Look for the Best Air Mattress?

Let’s get something straight - air mattresses aren’t exactly the crème de la crème of the mattress industry. The majority of people concentrate on searching for long-term options, such as all-foam or innerspring products that they could then place into bed frames and be dealt with it.

That shouldn’t always be the case, however.

Some of the best air mattresses can make your life that much more simple. Let’s say, you’re having a couple of friends over, and they’re going to stay for a few nights. You don’t really have a place for them to sleep, and are considering buying ones of those foldable sofas.

That’s nonsensical, especially when there are so many air mattress reviews.

Air mattresses can also be used for various different purposes - a good example of that would be a mattress that you can inflate for your friends to crash on to, or that you can take outdoors and put into a tent.

All in all, whether you’re looking for the best air mattress for everyday use, or for a special type of an occasion, you should always strive for the best out of the best. That being said, after we’re done talking about the best air mattresses, we’ll move on to discussing some of the best beds, in general.

Peggy Sealfon

Personal Development Coach

What should be done every day to ensure good sleeping patterns?

Sleep can be affected by stress. To mitigate stress on a daily basis, you should practice regular stress-reducing habits. These include the following:

1. Exercise (but not within four hours of going to bed).
2. Eat balanced meals to fuel the body healthfully (avoid eating heavy meals close to bedtime and eliminate caffeinated beverages in the evening).
3. Have a pre-sleep routine to wind down at the end of the day (avoid stimulating activities close to bedtime).
4. Be aware of the signs of stress and learn techniques that calm your nervous system so you may relax more easily.

It is important to develop positive attitudes towards sleep so that you develop good sleep habits.

1. SoundAsleep Dream Series - Sturdy and Reliable

Ranks #1 out of 7 Mattresses

SoundAsleep’s Dream Series mattress is often referenced as one of the best air mattresses out of all the different air mattress reviews.

What makes this bed so special? Well, for starters, both of the processes of inflating and letting air out of the mattress are pretty simple and straightforward. When a whole bunch of mattresses come with difficult-to-use air pumps, SoundAsleep is super-easy to manage and work with.

Furthermore, while we're on the topic of quality and ease of use, it’s worth mentioning that SoundAsleep might just be the best air mattress for everyday use because of just how sturdy and well-designed it is.

This is rather evident from all of the different customer air mattress reviews. People claim that they’ve (accidentally) done all sorts of things to this contender for the spot of the best air bed, and it still remained unscuffed. Because of the way that it’s built, SoundAsleep can hold a whole lot of mass on itself (450-500 lbs), has a waterproof mattress top and is resistant to sharp and pointy objects.

Finally, it’s also important to stress the fact that as far as the best air mattresses for everyday use are concerned, SoundAsleep has a pretty decent life expectancy. It does not leak air, and in turn maintains an even shape, which then prolongs the amount of time that this best air bed is going to serve you, without wearing down.

Pricing-wise, the Dream Series of SoundAsleep comes out to be $119,95 for a Queen-sized mattress (excluding shipping).

Visit SoundAsleep

2. Intex Classic Downy - Best Price

Ranks #2 out of 7 Mattresses

The Intex Classic Downy is, admittedly, one of the most affordable “best inflatable mattresses” out there. But that’s not the only reason for why people love it.

Since the mattress on the smaller side of the spectrum, it’s super-easy to manage - in more ways than one! It inflates very quickly, is very light (especially when compared to some of the higher-end best inflatable mattresses out there) and fits very comfortably almost anywhere you’d want to put it.

According to a whole lot of the “best air bed” reviews, the Downy is also surprisingly sturdy. This is odd mostly because of just how thin the mattress is - most of the air beds that are this thin deal with the problem of wearing down relatively easy.

Having said that, customers do report air leakage. Some say that it’s quite an extensive amount of air that is leaving their Downy, and that it needs constant re-pumping, while others claim that the leakage is almost unnoticeable.

And, of course, we should talk about the price. I did already mention that it’s one of the most affordable air mattresses out there, but what does that mean when converted into numbers?

Well, the Intex Classic Downy (the double-sized one) currently sells for around $19,99 (when converted from GBP). Yup, you’ve read that right - $19,99! All things considered, that’s an amazing price tag!

Visit Intex Corp
...or read our Intex Corp review

3. Insta-Bed - Tall, but Heavy

Ranks #3 out of 7 Mattresses

Finally, the Insta-Bed Raised - an air mattress that has been growing in fame because of its height.

Good (optimal) mattress height is just one part of the equation, though. The mattress also comes with a great air pump - it’s completely quiet, and keeps the same level of airflow all throughout the mattress.

While some customers state that Insta-Bed can’t be the “best inflatable mattress” mainly because it’s too heavy and bulky to be constantly moved around, this doesn’t seem to be too much of a problem for many.

As of writing this “best air mattress” review, the price of the Insta-Bed Raised air mattress is $154,95.

Here is The Best Saatva Offer I Found:

Better Air Mattress Alternatives

Now that you know about the best air mattresses out there, it has to be said - while these beds are OK for outdoor camping and other, similar activities, they are really not suitable for longterm indoor sleep. Even guest-wise, you probably wouldn't want your friends waking up in the morning all grumpy because of just "how bad of a sleep" they've have, right?

Now that we’ve covered the top three best air mattresses in the market, let’s change things up a little, shall we?

Visit Insta-Bed

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4. Saatva - Responsive Innerspring Bed

Ranks #4 out of 7 Mattresses

Verified Staff Pick

UP TO $500 OFF

Limited-time Saatva Sale

We're sharing a limited-time Saatva mattress discount with our readers! Grab this deal & enjoy your new mattress with huge discounts.

Expiration date: 31/03/2025
4042 People Used
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Better Alternatives for Air Mattress

Let me just put this out there - Saatva is great.

The mattress is designed to be an innerspring bed - it’s made out of springs and metal coils. This makes the bed very responsive (as opposed to the sinky all-foam design of, say, Puffy) and cool.

Saatva is also known for being a relatively silent mattress. This is rare for an innerspring! Most coil-on-coil design beds are prone to making a whole lot of noises, sooner or later. According to Saatva customer reviews, though, it would seem that the company has managed to avoid this issue entirely (for the most part, at least).

If you’re someone who tends to roll around in their sleep, then you’ll also be happy to know that Saatva’s edge support is top-tier - that’s yet another benefit of the innerspring design. Proper edge support means that you can lie on the edge of the mattress without fear that you might accidentally slip and fall off the mattress.

What is the Price of the Saatva Mattress?

Saatva’s prices are, as follows:

Those are very decent prices, especially keeping in mind the overall quality of the product!

Visit Saatva
...or read our Saatva review

5. Nectar - A Durable All-Foam Bed

Ranks #5 out of 7 Mattresses

Verified Staff Pick

33% OFF

Nectar Special Offer

With the current Nectar mattress sale you can save up to 33%. Get one of the biggest discounts on mattresses when using this special Nectar mattress coupon.

Expiration date: 31/03/2025
3101 People Used
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A favorite of many, Nectar is an all-foam mattress with some impressive popularity.

The main reasons for that popularity actually have to do with the way that Nectar is constructed. While foam beds don’t really have a reputation of being the most durable products around, Nectar aims to be that one exception.

Customers report that they’ve noticed minimal wear to their Nectar mattresses over the years. While the average life expectancy for an all-foam mattress ranges somewhere around the 5-year mark, Nectar can, apparently, easily outlive this (if taken care of, of course). That’s impressive!

It doesn’t end there, though. Being a foam mattress, Nectar is naturally very good at isolating motion and conforming to the sleeper’s body. That said, it’s actually at the top when it comes to foam products that are also cool and silent, too! While it’s not too strange to see a foam mattress that doesn’t make any noises, it’s a different story as far as temperature neutrality is concerned.

What is the Price of the Nectar Mattress?

The pricing options for the Nectar mattress:

Absolutely amazing prices for such a well-rounded mattress! Honestly, it’s difficult to find a decent bed that wouldn’t cost you an arm and a leg, but Nectar might just be that bed.

Visit Nectar
...or read our Nectar review

6. Puffy - All-Foam and No Noise

Ranks #6 out of 7 Mattresses

Verified Staff Pick

UP TO $1,350 OFF

Puffy Mattresses & Other Products

Take advantage of Puffy season sale & explore discounts up to $1,350 off for Puffy mattresses and other products. Hurry up to get this limited deal!

Expiration date: 31/03/2025
1985 People Used
Only 15Left
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Puffy is an amazing all-foam mattress. It comes equipped with all of the great features that are usually associated with foam products - it’s super-conforming, isolates motion extremely well, isn’t too hot and doesn’t squeak.

While it’s not the most responsive mattress in the market, this shouldn’t be a problem for those who are only looking for a good night’s sleep. The “responsiveness” part is honestly most important to those who would also like to spice up their sex life.

What is the Price of the Puffy Mattress?

The pricing options for the Puffy based model are:

An affordable mattress for sure!

Visit Puffy
...or read our Puffy review

7. New Purple - Unparalleled Temperature Neutrality

Ranks #7 out of 7 Mattresses

Verified Staff Pick

Purple Black Friday Deal

Up To $800 OFF

Don't miss a chance to purchase Purple mattresses with an impressive $800 discount. You deserve to enjoy this Purple Black Friday Sale!

Expiration date: 31/03/2025
2089 People Used
Only 72Left
Coupon Rating

Ah yes. The legendary New Purple mattress.

I love reviewing this bed.

While it’s far from being “the best AIR mattress”, the New Purple can definitely be considered one of the best mattresses, overall. And there are a few good reasons for why that’s the case.

First of all, the original Purple mattress was a great product, to begin with. The company behind the mattress has taken all of the flagship product’s good features and enhanced them, and also improved on all of its shortcomings, too.

The result? An all-around amazing bed.

The New Purple comes equipped with some special technology that allows unparalleled airflow and temperature neutrality.

The bed is a hybrid one - it’s a mix of pocketed coils, gel and polyester. This unlikely mix is the reasons for why purple has managed to score points in both the innerspring and foam mattress departments - the bed is very responsive, yet absorbs motion well. It’s very cool, but isn’t “hard” (actually, you can choose the firmness level as you purchase the New Purple).

What is the Price of the New Purple Mattress?

You could say - if the New Purple is so good, then it must be way out of reach of anyone looking for the “best air mattress”!

Well… Not really. Here are the prices for the New Purple:

While it’ not the cheapest mattress around, it’s very far from being crazy-expensive.

Visit Purple
...or read our Purple review

Here is The Best Saatva Offer I Found:


So then, this wraps up our "Best Air Mattress (but not only)" review.

We’ve talked about the top air mattresses in the current industry, and we've also discussed the best long-term alternatives.

Honestly, while air mattresses do have their use, you should always consider investing a little bit more money and getting yourself a product that will serve you for years to come. While it may not be viable for reasons we went over at the beginning, you'll increase your chances of sleeping a required amount of time - something that's especially important in one's adolescent years[2].

Furthermore, all of the best mattresses providers have sleeping trials - if you’re not satisfied with what you see, you can always just return the bed and get a full refund!

I hope that that this list was useful to you. Best of luck choosing the best mattress, whether it be an air one, or else!

Peggy Sealfon

Personal Development Coach

Contributed By Peggy Sealfon, Personal Development Coach

Peggy Sealfon is a personal development coach, author, motivational speaker, and recognized internationally as an expert on dealing with stress and anxiety, especially as it relates to wellness and...

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Scientific References

Contributed by Peggy Sealfon, Personal Development Coach

1. Kovacs FM, Abraira V, Peña A, et al.: 'Effect of firmness of mattress on chronic non-specific low-back pain: randomised, double-blind, controlled, multicentre trial.'

2. Ian G. Campbell, PhD, Amanda M. Kraus, BS, Christopher S. Burright, BA, and Irwin Feinberg, MD: 'Restricting Time in Bed in Early Adolescence Reduces Both NREM and REM Sleep but Does Not Increase Slow Wave EEG'

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Saatva comparison
Puffy comparison
Saatva comparison
Nectar comparison

Recent Best Air Mattress User Reviews

4.8/5.0 - Purple Owner

Not cheap, but worth it

I was on the fence about the whole price situation - you gotta admit that's not cheap. But I would say now I understand the purple mattress price, if you want the best, you gotta pay like it.

Price value
Trials & Refunds
4.2/5.0 - Saatva Owner

helped me to not overheat at night

just as promised and based on many reviews i've read, saatva mattress helped me regulate temperature at night better. thanks to saatva i'm sleeping better and not overheating. saatva bed is on a firmer side though

Price value
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4.4/5.0 - Purple Owner

Not sure about the edge support

Yes, kudos to this purple bed review for pointing out that purple bed has weak edge support. It is the truth. Other than that - a very good-looking, good-quality mattress, and I woudln't say it's too expensive. It's the price I would pay for a good product.

Price value
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5.0/5.0 - Nectar Owner

sleeping like a baby!!!

not the one who leaves a lot of reviews but Nectar mattress deserves it. I am satisfied that I have found this mattress in some nectar mattress reviews few months ago. I am not friendly with sleep and it's hard for me to fall asleep fast so I was looking for something to help solve these problems. Nectar helped me for sure, I feel like sleeping like a baby on this mattress!!

Price value
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4.4/5.0 - Puffy Owner

sinkage but wife likes

my wife wanted puffy mattress, so we got it. sometimes i feel that i sink into it and feels too soft for me, but she is super happy with the mattress and her sleep. i also noticed she sleeps more and is not that anxious or stressed about everything :) so i'm happy too

Price value
Trials & Refunds
4.8/5.0 - Puffy Owner

Good matress

We had our matress for almost ten years and pufffy was our next choice. Hope it will last 10 years too. This matress feels good and I like to sleep.

Price value
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5.0/5.0 - Saatva Owner

Great Mattress

Saatva mattress helped my back and hip pain after first night already so couldn't ask for more. The comfiest bed, recommend!

Price value
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5.0/5.0 - Purple Owner

No noise on this purple mattress

It's so noise absorbant - no one would hear if I turned over on this mattress. Also, just simply very soft and comfortable, love sleeping on it

Price value
Trials & Refunds
5.0/5.0 - Nectar Owner

Much better than my old mattress

Didn't find almost any nectar mattress complaints and that says a lot, right? there were almost none drawbacks in this nectar mattress review also, so I bought it several days ago and it's way better than the old mattress I had. My recommendations for this mattress are really high

Price value
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5.0/5.0 - Saatva Owner


This is the comfiest mattress I've slept on!!

Price value
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4.8/5.0 - Nectar Owner

I liked the firmness

Nectar is quite a firm mattress, so if that's what you like - I really recommend the Nectar bed. This Nectar review might be too firm for some people though, so if you are really light-weighted, this might not be for you.

Price value
Trials & Refunds
5.0/5.0 - Puffy Owner

I like it

Saw many positive reviews, since it has a trial period thought I might give Puffy a chance. Do not regret, not gonna return! Price for a luxurious mattress seems reasonable too

Price value
Trials & Refunds
4.6/5.0 - Saatva Owner

Good, but not for us

The mattress is higher than we needed to meet the proportions of our bed and my height so we had to return it. Quality seems great through and customer service was helpful.

Price value
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4.8/5.0 - Saatva Owner

Side sleeper recommends!

Love our new Saatva. Gives needed support but perfect for side sleepers that me and my husband are!

Price value
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4.0/5.0 - Intex Corp Owner

Pleasant mattress

When we have guests at home we make them sleep on Intex air mattresses. For a few nights this is a good option. The mattress is nice.

Price value
Trials & Refunds
5.0/5.0 - Saatva Owner

Very comfortable and soft

I chose soft plush saatva bed and it's soft but not too soft by all means, feels like it's following your body curves and adjusting. Very relaxing feeling and great value for money

Price value
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4.6/5.0 - Purple Owner

300 nights more please

what can I say - Purple is good. But could have longer sleep trial - 300 nights would awesome!

Price value
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5.0/5.0 - Purple Owner

comfortable like nothing else

a-mazing!!! tried like 5 different mattresses before settling on the purple bed. This purple mattress review was the one that "opened my eyes" and thought - why not give it a shot? Now me and my girlfriend are enjoying this mattress soo much. Great find

Price value
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4.5/5.0 - Intex Corp Owner

Mattress recommended

Camper friends have recommended this mattress for sleeping under the tent during nature trips. I must say it is perfect.

Price value
Trials & Refunds
4.0/5.0 - Intex Corp Owner

Short use

This mattress is perfect for a short use, on the long term it does not seem appropriate to me, not sufficiently soft.

Price value
Trials & Refunds


What are air mattresses good for?

An air mattress is going to be best for when you have friends over for a sleepover, or when you're constantly on the move and need a bed that would be easier to drag around. In almost any other case, however, you'd best go with the more popular options on the market.

What are some good air mattress alternatives?

Any of the top-ranking mattress providers in the industry are going to be good options for anyone who wants an alternative for an air mattress.

How to choose the best mattress for me?

When choosing the best mattress for yourself, there are a few important factors that you should consider. First of all, what type of mattress do you need? The most traditional mattresses are memory foam, innerspring and latex, but there are other options, too. Secondly, think about how much you can spend on a mattress, but remember it doesn’t mean that the mattress is better if it’s more expensive. Furthermore, pick a size and firmness depending on your preferences. Finally, think about your sleeping position, it will also influence your decision.

How much does a good mattress cost?

Mattress price usually varies depending on a few factors, such as mattress type, size, height, quality of the material and durability. Today the price of a mattress can vary from $150 to $7000. However, you can find a good mattress for under $1000. The average pricing of a foam mattress is about $900 dollars, innerspring $950. These are the least expensive mattresses. However, if you can afford more expensive ones, you can consider a hybrid mattress for about $1,650, latex - about $2,000.

What size mattress should I get?

Most mattress providers offer 6 standard sizes, including Twin, Twin XL, Full/Double, Queen, King, and California King. A Twin mattress is great for children or young adults who live alone. A Twin XL mattress is great for children or single adults but not comfortable for couples. A Full/Double bed is excellent for children and couples, however, it won’t work if both people like to have more space. Queen mattresses work great for adults who like to sleep near each other. A King bed is amazing for couples who like to have some space or sleep with a pet. Finally, a California King mattress is amazing for tall people and couples who like to have space or sleep with their pets.

How long does a mattress last? When should you replace your mattress?

Mattress durability depends on the materials that were used to make it. The average lifespan of a mattress varies from 7 to 10 years. However, good quality mattresses can last even longer. It is recommended to replace your mattress every 8 years, but if it still feels great, there’s no need. If you want to buy a mattress that lasts longer than average, you should consider latex or memory foam mattresses. These can serve up to 10 or 15 years while Innerspring mattresses usually last about 7-8 years.