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When most people purchase a new bed, the idea of new mattress sheets is almost a natural - if you want to keep the bed fresh and improve your sleep quality even further, bedsheets can be a great way to do so. Same as with mattresses, many people turn to customer reviews to find out which sheets are the best. Frette sheets reviews, however, are a bit… Different.

Frette is one of the most famous brands in the bedding industry. However, while other well-known mattress and bedsheet providers try to cater to the average customer, Frette is a bit… Well, let’s just say that the company deals in some luxurious products.

I’m getting ahead of myself, though. Let’s take it from the top.

TL;DR: Customer Frette sheets reviews are unanimous - the brand offers some of the most luxurious, high-quality bedsheet set on the market. The products are very durable and of pristine quality, and also offer unmatched softness. That being said, all of the sheet sets offered by Frette are also incredibly expensive.


  • Luxury products
  • Very durable, high-quality sheets
  • Made from cotton
  • Soft
  • Machine-washable


  • Extremely pricey
  • No sleep trial or warranty available

Frette Sheets Reviews: PROS

Same as many other companies that sell sleep accessories, Frette has a huge variety of different sheets and sheet set in stock. In all honesty, it’s probably one of the most varied selections I’ve come across in a while!

While we’ll be concentrating on a specific type of sheet set analyzing customer Frette sheets reviews, it’s worth mentioning that the majority of the points discussed later on in the article can be applied to most of the company’s sheets. That simply because all of them are made from cotton - namely, cotton sateen, cotton percale and cotton poplin.

Frette sheets reviews: an ad.

The set that we’ll be referencing is from the Hotel collection - more specifically, the Hotel Classic Sheet set. Reading through the various Frette sheets reviews, it’s quite apparent that this is one of the more popular and more-often-bought sets that the brand has.

Now, with that being explained and out of the way, let’s talk about the benefits that the set will provide to the sleeper.

Superb Quality and Durability

Frette has been around since 1860. The company was first established in France, but after five years, it relocated to Italy, and has been based there ever since. For the better part of a century, Frette bedding products have been known to be some of the most luxurious and well-designed in the entire industry.

Various customer Frette sheets reviews will tell you that the brand sells its products both to individual sleepers, and also different hotel chains (hence the name - Hotel Classic Sheet set). This can’t be stressed enough - quality and luxuriousness are two of the main features that Frette guarantees to the customer.

That said, judging by the majority of Frette sheets reviews, it would seem that the brand is rather successful in doing so, too.

Frette sheets reviews: the three Fs.

Customers will tell you that, no matter which sheet set it is that you choose to go with, you can be sure that the quality aspect of the product is going to be unmatched. Frette places immeasurable attention to detail and has very strict quality control - you can be sure that the sheets are going to be pristine when you first unpack them.

Durability is also something that’s rather important to talk about. No matter if it’s Frette bedding, or any other popular bedsheet provider out there, customers are always going to want to look for products that would stand both the test of time, and also the arduous cleaning processes.

I mean, let’s be frank here - who’s going to purchase a sheet set that keeps on breaking down more and more with every single wash that you give it?

It would seem that customer Frette sheets reviews are pretty clear in this regard, too - the sheets offered by the company are amazingly durable, and will hold up for a very long time after you buy and start using them. This is especially true with the Hotel Classic sheet set - it’s made from 100% cotton percale, and is incredibly durable.

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Cool and Breathable

Proper sleep is essential for us to feel good and to avoid various potential diseases and other health conditions. Lack of good quality sleep (or simply sleep, in general) and sleep disturbances can lead to some very negative outcomes, in the long run, and can also be perceived as a sign of deteriorating health[1].

Why am I telling you all of that, you may ask? Well, simply because one of the leading factors when it comes to sleep issues is heat, at least in regards to your average person who’s not suffering from an underlying health condition.

Sleeping hot is terrible. I can tell you this from firsthand experience - I’m writing this article in the morning, after a completely horrendous night. I’ve slept maybe two hours, tops - the culprit was the insufferable warmth that lingered in the bed region for the entirety of the night.

Most hot sleepers choose to deal with this issue in a few different ways - the short-term option is to simply open a window or buy a cooling fan or an air conditioner. The smarter and more long-term solution is to purchase a cooling mattress. Sometimes, however, cooling mattresses are not enough - in these situations, bedsheets are a great addition.

Frette sheets reviews: sheet sets.

It doesn’t matter if you read through Frette sheets reviews or other company bedding reviews, the fact that mattress sheets can play a big role in deciding the temperature neutrality of your sleep is a rather well-known fact. If the sheets are breathable, you’ll sleep well - if they are made from some very dense material, though, they can become really hot.

Cotton sheets, however, are among the best options for hot sleepers. And cotton is exactly what you’ll get with Frette.

If you’re in the market for some cooling sheets (well, perhaps not really “cooling” per se, but you know what I mean), the Frette Hotel Classic Sheet set is one of the best options you could try out.

High Maintenance, but Machine Washable

Ah, the cleaning process… I’ll admit, I’ve found that many customer Frette sheets reviews aren’t all that happy with the cleaning part of the Frette sheet sets. Still, though, the situation could be much, much worse.

You see, Frette sheets are somewhat difficult to take care of in the sense that they are very, well… Luxurious. The company recommends you wash it in cold water, with mild liquid biodegradable detergent - no bleach, no whiteners, none of that. Then, simply dry the sheets on some low settings and remove them before they are completely dry.

That’s the “high maintenance” part. I’ll be the first one to admit - it’s one of those sheet sets that are going to require quite a bit more care than your average bedsheet set you’d find in a local store.

Still, what many Frette sheets reviews seem to forget is the fact that the sheets are completely machine-washable! You won’t need to step in and do everything by hand. So, while some of the process requires a bit more attention and care, it’s far from being unbearable.

Frette Sheets Reviews: CONS

Customer Frette sheets reviews make it pretty clear - it’s a luxurious product brand, and that’s something that’s pretty obvious when you take a look at the products themselves. Still, though, customers do appear to have some complaints - let’s take a look at what they are, shall we?

No Sleep Trial / No Known Warranty

Sleep trials and product warranties are among the more important aspects when it comes to picking out the right sleep-related product for yourself. This can surely prove to be a challenge - I mean, how do you REALLY know if a mattress suits you before sleeping on it for a few nights, right?

Yup. And that’s where sleep trials come in - periods of time during which you can test a product out, see if you like it, and return it while receiving a full refund if you don’t.

Many customer Frette sheets reviews point out the fact that the company has nosleep trialperiod. There’s no trial, in general - if you’ve unpacked the products, you’re stuck with it. While returns are possible in the first 30 days after the initial purchase, the package must be unopened - you wouldn’t be able to test the sheet set out, either way.

Frette sheets reviews: sheet selection.

The justification for this lies in the fact that it’s a luxury brand that deals in luxury products - sleep trials would be very… Out of character. That said, it still doesn’t really explain the lack of a warranty.

Hey, you know what - perhaps I’m wrong, and there is a warranty when you purchase the Hotel Classic Sheet set, or any other sheets from the brand. If that’s the case, though, the actual information regarding the warranty is impossible to find.


You know, oftentimes when I review bedsheet sets, I say things like “pricing should be a con”, or “some of the most expensive sheets you’ll come across online”. I mean those things, too - compared to some products that you’d find in your local stores, paying up to $200 for s sheet set can be a very expensive option.

That said, though… How does paying up to $2950 sound?

No, I’m actually not joking - that’s the price for the Ultimate Sheet set sold by Frette.

Surprisingly, there aren’t all that many customer Frette sheets reviews that would be all that shocked by the price tags for some of the sheet sets offered by the brand. That’s likely because of the keyword that has been present throughout the entirety of the article - luxurious.

Still, for your average person, close to $3000 is simply an insane price for a sheet set. The Hotel Classic Sheet set, however, is a bit more affordable - at least when compared to the one mentioned above.

The pricing options are:

The price tags are still quite a shocker, even after seeing the most expensive sheets that the brand provides. This, compared to the lack of a sleep trial period and a seemingly non-existent warranty can definitely sway a potential customer away from purchasing Frette’s sheets.

That being said, though…

Again - many customer Frette sheets reviews stress this point, but the company offers and deals in luxury products - everything from the embroidery all the way to the shipping processes and packaging is going to be top-tier. The quality of the sheets is bound to leave the sleeper satisfied, even after spending this much money on the product.

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This is the part where I would usually tell you about my own, personal opinion on whether or not Frette bedding is actually worth trying out.

In this particular case, though, I can’t really give you that answer with 100% certainty. That’s mostly because of the company’s “no trial period” policy.

In most cases (like, the absolute majority of cases), bedding and bedsheet companies are going to have trial periods for you to basically test the items out and to see if they fit your expectations. In such scenarios, it’s rather easy to commentate and give a recommendation - either the product is good and is worth checking out, or it isn’t.

As you might have gathered, though, with Frette, things are quite different. Yes, the brand deals in some high-end, luxurious products. Yes, they are great at keeping the sleeper cool at night, are very soft and comfortable. That said, will they fit everyone and anyone?

That’s… Unlikely.

Frette sheets reviews: signature items.

On top of all of that, the price tags don’t really “save the situation”, either. It’s not something that you could purchase, try out and, if you don’t like it, throw it into the attic. It’s a huge financial commitment!

All in all, Frette might have some amazing, one-of-a-kind products, but they are simply far too expensive for the average customer - especially when there’s no trial period in place.

Many people worldwide are suffering from sleep problems, for a variety of different issues[2] - if you’re one of those people, do consider changing your mattress, in addition to purchasing some new sheets to help you deal with those issues, or at least alleviate them.

Scientific References

1. Markovic A, Buckley A, Driver DI, et al.: 'Sleep neurophysiology in childhood onset schizophrenia.'

2. Hackett RA, Dal Z, Steptoe A: 'The relationship between sleep problems and cortisol in people with type 2 diabetes.'

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Recent Frette User Reviews

2.5/5.0 - Frette Owner

No bouncy - I dont like it

I spent more than 400$ for a mattress with no bouncy?? It reduced my interested and the Frette mattress had been thrown to guest room. I'm looking for another better one

Price value
Trials & Refunds
2.5/5.0 - Frette Owner

Too soft...

I have an issue with my back so I need a firmer mattress. But the consultance didn't notice me that when I bought this Frette mattress, consequently, it wasnt help me anything

Price value
Trials & Refunds
2.5/5.0 - Frette Owner

I got no bad smells like some mattresses have

I have had this mattress 1 week. Setup was easy, I got no bad smells like some. I left it alone to fully expand for 48 hours before I slept on it. I am a big guy, 1.85 meters, mostly a side sleeper, and I LOOOVE this mattress so far.

Price value
Trials & Refunds
2.5/5.0 - Frette Owner



Price value
Trials & Refunds
2.7/5.0 - Frette Owner

Softness ^^

Frette was really soft and easily breathable with cotton surface, I felt comfortable as well as sleep much better. But only 3 sleep nights so the durability is unsure with this insane price, hopefully it will last long

Price value
Trials & Refunds
2.6/5.0 - Frette Owner

Not for couple

THIS MATTRESS IS ONLY FOR LIGHT SLEEPERS! Me and my husband slept total 130kgs slept on this bed, only after 4 months I could feel the spring behind my back

Price value
Trials & Refunds
2.5/5.0 - Frette Owner

Machine-washable? Great function

Exactly what I'm looking for!!! I dont need to spend a day for waiting it to be dried anymore

Price value
Trials & Refunds
2.5/5.0 - Frette Owner

Sagging and noisy as well

I slept alone, and buy the Twin size (cheapest - 370$). It was great in 10 months, but now it's sagging day by day, coming with an annoyable noisy. Horribly, no helping from the brand at all. I felt like I just threw 370$ through the window...

Price value
Trials & Refunds
5.0/5.0 - Frette Owner

Simply love Frette!!!!

I simply love it more and more for a year using Frette, and also anyone I knew using it. It's highly recommendeddddd

Price value
Trials & Refunds
2.6/5.0 - Frette Owner

Worst support

I bought this mattress after reading so many good reviews, but after using it myself I can say the quality is not worth the price they charge. Also no support, they will never listen to you, they even stop replying to your email.

Price value
Trials & Refunds
3.0/5.0 - Frette Owner

Comfort yet some tiny noise

There're some tiny noise appeared after 2 months when moving on the bed, it's quite unpleasant but for me, I can take it. However, I think it wont be suitable for insomnia

Price value
Trials & Refunds
5.0/5.0 - Frette Owner

Luxury service

Just one word - LUXURY - from the consultant to package, and especially the quality of the mattress, I have nothing to say but luxury and I'm completely satisfied

Price value
Trials & Refunds
2.6/5.0 - Frette Owner

My shoulder pain seems worse :(

Using Frette a month, now the pain in my shoulder even worse. The mattress hasnt been firm nor soft enough. Not worth for its price

Price value
Trials & Refunds
2.5/5.0 - Frette Owner

No trial period - what a bad thing

I almost refuse buying Frette because of this - no trial period. Other brands would give at least a month for trial, but not Frette. Luckily, I didn't choose wrong - decent qualtity and durability

Price value
Trials & Refunds
2.5/5.0 - Frette Owner

Year 2, starting disappointed

The first year was as in heaven with Frette, but from the month 11, the mattress started to sag. It became worse and worse, then I have to change one soon

Price value
Trials & Refunds
2.5/5.0 - Frette Owner

2 months and sagged

Frette had been shipped to my house from July, but it seems sagged a little bit recently. Sadly, no warranty at all, no answer or any reply from customer service

Price value
Trials & Refunds
2.6/5.0 - Frette Owner

Comfortable enough

The cotton sheet made the mattress sooooo softtttt and coolll

Price value
Trials & Refunds
2.5/5.0 - Frette Owner

Not firm

I am already sinking in the mattress. Not satisfied

Price value
Trials & Refunds
2.5/5.0 - Frette Owner

Mattress not as good as described

I ordered a king size mattress about 1 week ago. First, the mattress never fully decompressed. Second, the still has a weird smell. But the worst thing is that I feel I keep turning into the middle of the bed as it seems to be depressed on some sections. Not worth for the price

Price value
Trials & Refunds
2.8/5.0 - Frette Owner

Price should be considered...

bought the King size for almost 500$... Even the quality is OK, but I'm still regret that amount for ONE mattress..

Price value
Trials & Refunds


What are the main benefits of the Frette mattress sheets?

Reading through the various customer Frette sheets reviews, it's clear that the sheet sets offered by Frette are luxury products. They are made from the highest quality cotton, and will thus be very durable. The quality is great, the sheets are very soft and comfortable, and will hold up against multiple washing sessions and the test of time, in general.

What are the price tags for the Frette sheet set?

Frette offers a huge variety of different mattress sheets, all made from cotton. One of the most popular options - the Hotel Classic Sheet set - will cost you anywhere from $370 up to $490, depending on the size. Admittedly, Frette's sheet sets are some of the most expensive products in the entirety of the industry.

How to choose the best mattress for me?

When choosing the best mattress for yourself, there are a few important factors that you should consider. First of all, what type of mattress do you need? The most traditional mattresses are memory foam, innerspring and latex, but there are other options, too. Secondly, think about how much you can spend on a mattress, but remember it doesn’t mean that the mattress is better if it’s more expensive. Furthermore, pick a size and firmness depending on your preferences. Finally, think about your sleeping position, it will also influence your decision.

How much does a good mattress cost?

Mattress price usually varies depending on a few factors, such as mattress type, size, height, quality of the material and durability. Today the price of a mattress can vary from $150 to $7000. However, you can find a good mattress for under $1000. The average pricing of a foam mattress is about $900 dollars, innerspring $950. These are the least expensive mattresses. However, if you can afford more expensive ones, you can consider a hybrid mattress for about $1,650, latex - about $2,000.

What size mattress should I get?

Most mattress providers offer 6 standard sizes, including Twin, Twin XL, Full/Double, Queen, King, and California King. A Twin mattress is great for children or young adults who live alone. A Twin XL mattress is great for children or single adults but not comfortable for couples. A Full/Double bed is excellent for children and couples, however, it won’t work if both people like to have more space. Queen mattresses work great for adults who like to sleep near each other. A King bed is amazing for couples who like to have some space or sleep with a pet. Finally, a California King mattress is amazing for tall people and couples who like to have space or sleep with their pets.

How long does a mattress last? When should you replace your mattress?

Mattress durability depends on the materials that were used to make it. The average lifespan of a mattress varies from 7 to 10 years. However, good quality mattresses can last even longer. It is recommended to replace your mattress every 8 years, but if it still feels great, there’s no need. If you want to buy a mattress that lasts longer than average, you should consider latex or memory foam mattresses. These can serve up to 10 or 15 years while Innerspring mattresses usually last about 7-8 years.