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Today, more and more people are looking for various mattress reviews - Loom and Leaf reviews are no exception to that rule. Why is that the case? Well, an increasing number of people want to improve their quality of sleep[1], and a well-designed mattress is the best way to do so.



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Table: Loom and Leaf company information

In this Loom and Leaf bed review, we’ll be taking a look at the mattress from multiple different angles. We’ll talk about the pros and cons of Loom and Leaf, the price tags of the product, and everything in between.

At the very end, I’ll tell you whether Loom and Leaf is worth the investment or not.

TL;DR: Loom and Leaf reviews make it pretty clear - it is a luxury-style mattress that you may purchase for an affordable price. Even though it's not very responsive and lacks edge support, it has great motion isolation and is great for all types of sleepers.

Amy Landolt

Licensed Acupuncturist

What are the top 3 things that contribute to the quality of our sleep?

1) How successfully we manage our stress and emotions. In Chinese medicine, we talk about qi stagnation. If our qi doesn't flow smoothly, it impacts the quality of our sleep. If we don't manage our stress and process emotions well, it can cause qi stagnation. 2) What we ingest - avoid caffeine, nicotine, and other stimulants; avoid alcohol. Eat mainly fresh in-season whole foods; limit processed, sugar, artificial sweeteners, and colors. 3) Our bedtime routine - turn off all electronics at least one hour before bed. Dim the lights - do some yoga stretches, listen to relaxing music, take a bath with Epsom salts and essential oils, or read a book. We need time to decompress so that we are ready for sleep.


  • Great motion isolation
  • No noise
  • Good for back pain


  • Might sleep rather warm
  • Average edge support

Loom and Leaf Reviews: PROS

Let’s begin by taking a look at the positive side of the Loom and Leaf reviews.

No Noise Whatsoever

Honestly, this might as well be the very first thing that you’ll notice searching through Loom and Leaf reviews.

Noise is often one of the main factors that lead people to throw their old mattress out of the window (sometimes figuratively, sometimes literally) and go searching for a new one. It can get extremely annoying, and can be taken as one of the first signs that you should probably start looking for a new bed.

Loom and Leaf reviews: Loom&Leaf mattress

Often times, however, you might find that a brand new mattress is super-noisy. As some Loom and Leaf mattress reviews have pointed out, this is often the case with innerspring or hybrid products - mattresses that are not based entirely out of foam, and have metal coils inside of them.

That said, a study done by Bert H. Jacobson and colleagues shows that new bedding products should be superior for your sleep quality[2], either way. Something to keep in mind!

All-foam mattresses, however, are the opposite of innersprings - they are pretty well-known for being silent. It’s kind of in the name, isn’t it? - the “foam” part makes sure of that.

What you’ll find reading through Loom and Leaf reviews, however, is that the company’s mattress is somewhere on the next level as far as noise reduction goes.

Customer report that, at times, you could be jumping on the bed, and it will be as silent as ever. Even for an all-foam mattress, that's rather impressive!

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Memory Foam for Pressure Relief

The foundation of Loom and Leaf lies within memory foam - a special type of foam that absorbs pressure, and disperses it throughout the entire perimeter of the mattress.

Loom and Leaf reviews: woman sleeping on Loom and Leaf mattress.

Memory foam isn’t really that special to come across - as a lot of the Loom and Leaf reviews will tell you, many of the high-tier mattresses companies use this type of foam in their products.

That being said, it’s one thing to stuff your mattress with layers and layers of memory foam, and it’s a completely different story to find a balance that wouldn’t only be comfortable to you, but would also be able to alleviate any pain that you might have in your back and neck areas.

Judging from customer Loom and Leaf reviews, it would seem that the company has managed to find this perfect balance.

Loom and Leaf reviews: the first layer of the Loom and Leaf mattress.

L&L is widely acclaimed as being one of the best mattresses for people who do suffer from such (and similar) pain. Just like I’ve mentioned earlier, memory foam evens out your body weight throughout the mattress. This way, the before-mentioned painful points are eliminated, together with the pain that they cause.

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Great Motion Isolation

Motion isolation is yet another huge selling point for L&L - and rightfully so! According to Loom and Leaf reviews, people really do seem to be happy with how the mattress isolates motion.

Now, motion isolation doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to turn from one side to the other while you sleep. Rather, it means that, if you’re sleeping with your significant other (or anyone else - who am I to judge?), you shouldn’t be able to feel them twist and turn at night.

Loom and Leaf reviews: Loom & Leaf mattress construction.

This feature is, yet again, achieved with the help of memory foam. Since it is, first and foremost, foam, it has some sinking abilities - as you lay on it, your body sinks down into the mattress.

When this is done intentionally, it is also known as the mattress “conforming” to your body. If it’s too much - it’s hell - you’ll literally get swallowed by your mattress. If it’s not enough, however, the product might be hard (note, though, that “hard” doesn’t mean “firm” - it’s a different thing).

Reading through the different Loom and Leaf mattress reviews, it would seem that the company has managed to get this aspect right, too - people claim that the mattress is conforming, but not to the extent at which it would be too much. With that, it is able to isolate any and all motion while you sleep.

Perfect for All Types of Sleepers

Sleeping positions are a very popular topic in the mattress industry. So much so that there are entire mattress companies that are dedicated to making products for a single type of sleeping position!

Customer Loom and Leaf reviews will tell you that this isn’t that type of a company. Rather, L&L is on a different type of a spectrum - their product is actually universally loved by most people!

However, let’s not get ahead of ourselves and take a look at why that might be the case.

Loom and Leaf reviews: sleeping positions.

As you may or may not know, there are three big groups of “sleepers” - back, side and stomach ones. Side and back sleepers are usually somewhat easy to please - all these people need are a mattress that would be somewhere in the middle of the “firmness” scale (depends on their preferences, of course), and would alleviate any and all possible back pain.



  • Great motion isolation
  • No noise
  • Good for back pain


  • Might sleep rather warm
  • Average edge support

Value For Money

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Table: The pros, cons and best sleeping position of the Loom and Leaf mattress.

Stomach sleepers, however, usually tend to require a firmer surface to sleep on (at least that’s what most of the Loom and Leaf mattress reviews are saying). It is because of this reason why it can be really difficult to create a product that would please everyone.

So… How did Loom and Leaf manage to do this?

Loom and Leaf reviews: mattress benefits.

It’s pretty simple, really - the company offers customers multiple different firmness options.

Purchasing the mattress, you could choose between the “Relaxed Firm” and “Firm” options. This means that whichever type of a sleeper you are, you are bound to find a comfortable option with L&L.

Loom and Leaf Reviews: CONS

Now that we’ve covered some of the main and most commonly-referenced benefits of the Loom and Leaf reviews, let’s flip things up and talk about the Loom and Leaf mattress complaints.

Noticeable Off-Gassing

No, it’s not what you think.

Off-gassing is a term used to describe the process of a new mattress losing its initial smell. Sometimes this smell is somewhat pleasant, other times - absolutely horrendous. It kind of depends on the product.

A lot of Loom and Leaf reviews to state that the mattress tends to off-gas (definitely not a word I just made up) for quite some time. Some customers claim that the odor can be felt for a couple of days, while others smell it even after a week. Not ideal!

Loom and Leaf reviews: Loom & Leaf first layer.

Having said that, however, the majority of Loom and Leaf reviews do agree that, even though the off-gassing might last for a fair bit, the smell isn’t that bad, especially when compared to some other manufacturers out there.

Lacks Responsiveness

Loom and Leaf isn’t the best mattress for sex. There, I said it.

In all seriousness, though, L&L is conforming and all-foam based - we’ve established that already. With that, however, there come some issues - lack of responsiveness is one of them.

Loom and Leaf reviews: Loom & Leaf comfort levels.

If you just need a mattress to lay on and have a good night’s sleep - by all means, all-foam mattresses are your best friend! If, however, you would also like for the mattress to be bouncy and responsive, then an innerspring or a hybrid option might suit you a bit better.

Might be Too Warm for Some

Some Loom and Leaf reviews claim that the mattress might be a bit too warm for some people. Honestly, that’s perfectly understandable - it’s yet another issue that all-foam mattresses have to deal with.

That being said, L&L does advertise a special type of cooling gel technology on their official website. The company claims that this technology “keeps you sleeping cool and comfortable”. So.. Where’s the catch?

Loom and Leaf reviews: cooling gel.

Honestly, there doesn’t seem to be one. It would appear that the company does, indeed, try to make their product as cool as possible (in more ways than one, I guess) - it ain’t no easy feat with a memory foam mattress! That being said, looking at the Loom and Leaf reviews, it appears as though some people simply like to sleep cooler than others.

Truth be told, I can understand that completely. Even discarding all of the Loom and Leaf mattress complaints, I myself cannot stand sleeping on an even remotely warm mattress. Seeing as that’s the case with other people, too, it makes sense that while the mattress might not be a heat-absorbing sponge, it could still be too warm for some people.


So, then… We’ve covered a lot of different Loom and Leaf reviews, talked about some of the most prominent Loom and Leaf mattress complaints, and discussed the most notable features of the mattress. Now, the topic that tends to “make it or break it” for a lot of people - the price.

What is the Loom & Leaf mattress price?

The list of the pricing options for L&L is, as follows:

Needless to say, the pricing options for Loom and Leaf aren’t really the cheapest ones around. After all, the mattress does fall into the “Luxury” category of products, so it’s only natural that its price is representative of that.

Loom and Leaf reviews: Loom & Leaf mattress height.

Furthermore, even though it might be a bit pricey, I would have to go along with some of the Loom and Leaf reviews and claim that the prices are actually pretty good for a luxury product!

In addition to that, L&L offers customers a “free white glove delivery and free mattress removal”. What this means is that they will bring the new mattress to you, unpack it, and take out your old mattress, if you so wish to.

Loom and Leaf reviews: Loom & Leaf organic materials.

Finally, on top of everything, Loom and Leaf offers customers a 120-day home trial. This means that you’ll be able to test the mattress out for 4 whole months before deciding whether or not you actually want to keep it. That’s great news for anyone who’s unsure about their choice, and needs some time to test the product out, through and through.

Note that the prices of the Loom and Leaf mattress are subject to change, though - always check for the current prices on the official page of the provider in question.

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We’ve looked over Loom and Leaf reviews, we’ve analyzed the Loom and Leaf bed through and through… The only thing left to discuss is a simple question of whether or not L&L is worth the money and the time?

And, if it was up to me, I’d say a definite yes. Let me elaborate.

Loom and Leaf is considered by many to be one of the best all-foam mattresses in the current market. There are actually a few good reasons for why that’s the case.

The mattress offers great motion isolation, some top-tier noise reduction (reading some of the Loom and Leaf reviews, the word to use here would probably have to be “elimination”), is great for all types of sleepers and offers some pain-alleviating features.

Loom and Leaf reviews: sleeping woman.

Now, it’s true that the mattress does have its setbacks. A bit too warm for some people, might give off some certain smells and is overall not the bounciest option in the industry. That being said, these things don’t really (or if they do - they shouldn’t) deter the overall fact that it’s a pretty good product!

Even price-wise, though the mattress might seem really expensive at first, the fact that it falls into the “Luxury” category of things makes it one of the cheaper options around!

On top of all of that, Loom and Leaf offer the before-mentioned 4-month home trial. So, even if you decide that the mattress isn’t really your cup of tea (or, in this case, your bed to sleep in), you can always turn it in for a full refund.

All in all, I hope that the Loom and Leaf bed reviews were helpful to you, and that you now have a better idea about the product in question!

Amy Landolt

Licensed Acupuncturist

Contributed By Amy Landolt, Licensed Acupuncturist

Amy Landolt is an acupuncture sleep specialist who graduated from the Midwest College of Oriental Medicine. Her thesis was on the treatment of insomnia using Chinese medicine. She is a board licens...

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Scientific References

Contributed by Amy Landolt, Licensed Acupuncturist

1. National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Division of Population Health (accessed via 'Tips for Better Sleep'

2. Bert H. Jacobson, Ali Boolani, Doug B. Smith: 'Changes in back pain, sleep quality, and perceived stress after introduction of new bedding systems'

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Recent Loom and Leaf User Reviews

5.0/5.0 - Loom and Leaf Owner

No More Back Aches

No more back aches with this incredible mattress. Great spine alignment & stellar customer support. Thanks Loom & Leaf!

Price value
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4.4/5.0 - Loom and Leaf Owner

too hot

makes me hot at night, not breathable enough for me. memory foam is just not for me, going back to coil mattress..

Price value
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4.4/5.0 - Loom and Leaf Owner

You get what you pay for!!

Great mattress, i cannot wait to relax on it every night. Not the lowest price point but you get what you paid for.

Price value
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4.6/5.0 - Loom and Leaf Owner

not great for belly sleeper

not great for me as a stomach sleeper, makes my back quite uncomfortable. still on trial period will be returning, but would highly recommend for back and side sleepers!

Price value
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4.4/5.0 - Loom and Leaf Owner


read a lot of loom & leaf reviews, would like to invest in organic mattress but cannot afford this price tag

Price value
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4.8/5.0 - Loom and Leaf Owner

Bit pricey but worth it

Bit pricey, but met our expectations!! Helped my back a lot and motion isolation is beyond belief - my husband tosses and turns a lot, I used to be bothered as I'm a light sleeper. Loom & Leaf improved our sleeping quality a lot!!

Price value
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5.0/5.0 - Loom and Leaf Owner

Couldn't recomment more

Spent long hours researching mattress reviews until came across this awesome eco-firendly memory foam mattress option. Customer service and delivery was stellar, couldn't recommend more.

Price value
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5.0/5.0 - Loom and Leaf Owner

Just fantastic

Haven't been sleeping better in years, fantastic mattress loom & leaf!

Price value
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5.0/5.0 - Loom and Leaf Owner

Repurchased, love it!

Have repurchased loom & leaf mattress (upgraded from queen to king). That says it all, we love it!

Price value
Trials & Refunds
4.8/5.0 - Loom and Leaf Owner

Don't hesitate

If you are looking for memory foam bed don't hesitate & choose Loom & Leaf. It's natural and made in USA! Feels like sleeping on a cloud, my only regret is that i didn't buy it sooner!

Price value
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Which mattress type is the Loom & Leaf mattress?

Loom & Leaf is an all-foam mattress. The base of the mattress lies within memory foam - a special type of foam that absorbs pressure, and disperses it throughout the entire perimeter of the mattress. The main perks of memory foam - it evens out your body weight throughout the mattress & any painful points that you have are eliminated and the pain is relieved.

What is the Loom & Leaf mattress price?
Is the Loom & Leaf mattress more soft or firm?

Since the Loom & Leaf mattress is an all-foam bed, you would think that it’s really soft & “sinky”. Not true - since the company knows that there are many different sleepers out there, they make mattresses with different firmness options. While purchasing a Loom & Leaf mattress, you can choose between “Relaxed Firm”, which is a medium mattress, and a “Firm”, which is on the harder side.

For which sleeping position was the Loom & Leaf mattress designed?

Sleeping positions are a very popular topic in the mattress industry simply because customers are quite hard to please. The hardest part is creating a mattress that would fit all types of sleepers, but it seems like Loom & Leaf managed to find a way to do that. The company offers customers multiple different firmness options - you could choose between the “Relaxed Firm” and “Firm”. So be sure that whichever type of sleeper you are, you will be able to find a comfortable option with Loom & Leaf.

Is Loom & Leaf mattress good for sex?

Loom & Leaf is one of those mattresses that are great for sleeping, but are not very suitable for sex. Mainly because it’s on the softer end, meaning that is lacks bounciness & responsiveness compared to other firm mattresses.

What kind of trials & money-back guarantees does Loom & Leaf offer?

L&L has a trial of 120 days, which is quite good for a mattress company. Also, it allows you to pay overtime in 6 months with 0% APR. What is more, Loom & Leaf delivers and sets up your purchased mattress for free. The warranty that the company offers is 15 years, which is longer than the market’s average.