MyPillow is one of the better-known pillow companies in the industry. That said, the company has managed to garner some relatively controversial reputation - some people absolutely love the products offered by the brand, others... not so much. Analyzing customer MyPillow reviews can give you some pretty good insights on why that’s the case, though.
The fact that you can choose the amount of stuffing in your product before actually ordering the pillow is one of the company’s more notable features. That said, people wondering “is My Pillow any good?” are likely referencing the fact that the product does tend to sink quite a bit. Well, we’ll discuss all of this more in-depth soon enough.
TL;DR: Customer My Pillow reviews are pretty separated - some customers love the product (MyPillow Premium), others are less-than-reluctant. Depending on your expectations, you might fall into either of the groups. It should be said, however, that the price tags make the pillows quite affordable.
- Affordable pricing
- Suits different types of sleepers
- Sleeps rather cool
- False advertising lawsuit history
- Poor shape retention
- Some initial odors
Table of Contents
My Pillow Reviews: Introduction
Firmness options, warranties, internal and cover materials, cooling options… All of these things are important when you’re choosing the right pillow for yourself. That said, there are still a few essential features that should be found within every decent product out there.
First of all, you should always make sure that the pillow you’re opting to purchase has an adjustable (customizable) firmness level. Well, OK, perhaps not always - there are a very-select few exceptions to that rule, with Purple's pillow being a good example.
Despite the exceptions, however, the general rule still stands - you’re going to want to always try and look for a pillow that comes with (or is able to be purchased in) a few different firmness options. Customer My Pillow reviews will tell you that, most of the time, these are going to be pillows that allow you to adjust the stuffing if the product.
Furthermore, you should always be on the lookout for the filler material of the actual stuffing. Many pillows today are foam-based, but there are also other different alternatives out there - latex, buckwheat, and so on.
Always keep in mind your allergies, think about the temperature of the room that you sleep in and remember - it’s better to spend a few more bucks on a product that will actually serve you well, rather than trying to cheapskate your way out of it and having to look for a new pillow in a month or so.
My Pillow Reviews: PROS
First things first - while there are quite a few customer My Pillow reviews pointing out the negatives of the brand and asking “is My Pillow any good?”, let’s focus on the positives first. And there are actually quite a few, starting with the multiple stuffing options of the pillow.
4 Different Stuffing Options
Whenever you’re talking about the top-tier pillow brands of the industry, most of the time, you’re going to have a pillow on your hands that allows you to adjust the amount of stuffing inside of it at any given point in time. You would do so by unzipping the cover of the pillow and adding or removing insert until it gets comfortable.
Well, the story is a bit different with MyPillow. Instead of having to manually put in or remove stuffing yourself, you have the option to order your MyPillow Premium pillow in any of the 4 different stuffing options.
These options are segmented by a color scheme - yellow, white, green, blue. With each of the colors (in that order), the filling of the pillow increases.
That’s really cool for a couple of reasons.
First of all, the fact that you won’t need to tinker with the pillow yourself can either be a blessing or a curse, depending on the way you look at it. Some people like to have full control over their products, while others might be happy that there will be no additional work involved once the pillow arrives to you.
That being said, that’s not where the main benefit of these 4 different stuffing options lies.
Many customer My Pillow reviews emphasize the fact that, since you’ll have multiple filling options, the pillow is actually going to be suitable for all of the different types of sleepers out there.
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Suitable for All Types of Sleepers
While there are countless numbers of sleeping positions out there (more than you would be willing to read about in this My Pillow review), there are 3 main ones you should be aware of: side sleepers, back sleepers and stomach sleepers.
Side sleepers are the most common group of sleepers there are. These people usually prefer bigger, softer and more-stuffed pillows for their comfort and back support.
Back sleepers are the ones that tend to enjoy medium-firm pillows. It’s important that these people wouldn’t end up sleeping on a shallow pillow, though, since that could really put a lot of pressure on their backs.
Finally, stomach sleepers require the thinnest, least-stuffed pillows possible. This group of people has to be extremely careful with their pillow choices, since a product that has too high of a loft or that’s stuffed too much will basically just arch their backs.
All of that said, this is where the “4 different stuffing choices” of the MyPillow Premium pillow come in. All of them are going to suit different types of sleepers - if you’re a side sleeper, blue and green are going to suit you best. White is seen as the most comfortable stuffing for back sleepers, and yellow is likely going to be best for stomach ones.
Sleeps Relatively Cool
One of the more popular features when it comes to high-tier pillows is temperature neutrality. Customer My Pillow reviews seem to know this pretty well, and they mostly agree on the fact that MyPillow Premium sleeps pretty cool.
Sleeping cool is an important feature for most sleepers out there, no matter what pillow you’re opting to purchase. No one wants a product that throws the heat of their body right back at them, making it harder to get a good night’s sleep.
Admittedly, while there are some My Pillow complaints from customers who are wondering “is My Pillow any good?” when it comes to the product’s cooling features, most people agree that the Premium pillow is at least OK in keeping breathability throughout the night.
My Pillow Reviews: CONS
Now, as I’ve mentioned at the beginning of this article analyzing My Pillow reviews, there are quite a few My Pillow complaints circling around on the internet. Some of them are less important (such as the pillow having some initial odors - what product doesn’t?), but some are actually pretty serious.
History of False Marketing Claims
Quite a few customer My Pillow reviews reference the fact that, back in 2016, the company was fined for “deceptive advertising practices”. Apparently, the prosecutors clinged on to the brand’s claims that their products possessed the ability to cure insomnia and some specific medical conditions. Needless to say, all of these claims had no actual backing to them.
Honestly, out of all of the different pillow brands that I’ve reviewed to date, this is the first time I was hearing about something like this. Needless to say, it makes you question any and all claims that the company put out about their products, namely - their Premium pillow.
Now, having said that, it’s important to stress that there have been no notable incidents even since the “false advertising” ordeal back in 2016. Even so, though, this certainly does not inspire much confidence within the customers of the brand.
Doesn’t Retain Shape All That Well
One of the more notable complaints that many My Pillow reviews express is the fact that the Premium pillow doesn’t seem to be all that good at retaining shape while you sleep on it throughout the night.
Shape retention is one of the more important features of a proper pillow. It basically ensures you don’t sink into your pillow. Sinking means that, no matter how good or “proper” your spine alignment was when you lied down on the pillow, your back is going to arch in the middle of the night.
I’ve mentioned that odor isn’t something major and you shouldn’t be giving it all that much attention at all, but it’s still worth talking about, nonetheless.
Every single thing that you purchase brand new is going to have that “new item smell”. Pillows are no different - no matter how hard you try to ignore it, it’s going to be present, either way.
That being said, though, most pillows either have a less-than-noticeable odor when they arrive and are unpacked, or the smell dissipates in a matter of hours. Multiple My Pillow reviews note, though, that this is going to be unlikely with the MyPillow Premium.
If you’re very sensitive to certain specific smells, sure - that might be a problem. However, it’s not a game-breaker - once the smell is gone, it’s gone for good.
Before we get into the actual pricing options for the company’s Premium product, let’s establish a general baseline.
Reading through customer My Pillow reviews, I’ve noticed that many of them don’t really know what a “cheap” or an “expensive” pillow is. Some people get shocked by MyPillow’s price tags, only to later find out that they are actually some of the lower ones out there.
So, the general rule of thumb you could have is this: the average price for a highest-quality pillow is around $100. This could be your starting line, and depending on the quality of a pillow in question, you can then adjust it to your liking.
With that said, MyPillow offers two Premium pillow pricing and sizing options:
Yup - all things considered, the prices really aren’t all that bad. It would seem as if the amount of filling you choose to have in your pillow doesn’t change the price of the end product.
Also, on top of these prices, you’ll receive a rather small 60-day money-back guarantee. I say rather small, since most high-tier pillow companies offer at least 100-day trial periods.
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Reading through My Pillow reviews, it’s obvious that the company has simply skyrocketed into the market, offering some very affordable foam pillows. They’ve even coined the term of being “the world’s most comfortable pillow” - not an easy feat to accomplish.
That being said, it’s obvious that their million-dollar lawsuit has landed a pretty big blow, both financially and to their reputation. Customers are much less adamant about the company being a “miracle in the pillow industry”, and are taking their time to see whether or not anything else surfaces.
Now, don’t get me wrong - for the pricing tags that MyPillow has in place, it’s a really decent product. It’s one of the better pillows out there, offering multiple firmness options that cater to all of the different types of sleepers. Also, the fact that the pillow sleeps relatively cool helps a lot.
Lawsuits aside, the only really noticeable and noteworthy issue that tends to surface in many of the My Pillow complaints and some of the My Pillow reviews is that the product tends to flatten pretty easily. This is something that the company should really look into if they want to improve their product.
Also, don’t forget - if you decide on purchasing from MyPillow, you’ll receive a 60-day money-back guarantee.
If you’re in the market for a cheap and decent pillow, My Pillow reviews will point you to the company’s Premium product. However, if you don’t feel convinced, you can always check out our review of the top pillow providers of the current year. While most of their pricing options are going to be quite a bit higher than MyPillow’s, the product quality will follow.
All in all, I do hope that this review (and analysis of customer My Pillow reviews, of course) was helpful to you, and that you will now have an easier time making up your mind whether or not the product is worth investing in. Cheers, and best of luck!
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