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Pillows are an essential part of your sleeping experience. That’s why it’s important to find one that would suit your wants and needs. But what if I told you that you can buy a pillow… in a pillow? If that confuses you, don’t worry - all shall be made clear in this Nectar pillow review.

Nectar Pillow Review: front of the pillow.

Nectar, while primarily being a mattress-providing company, offers its customers some solid pillow products. The pillows that the company sells are awesome in that you can customize them to any extent that you’d wish - this makes it very approachable to most different customers out there.

TL;DR: The Nectar pillow is fully customizable, sleeps very cool and is super-easy to clean. In general, most Nectar pillow reviews are more-than-positive concerning this product, especially given the fact that it has a lower-than-average price tag.


  • Cooling technology
  • Two layers of different materials
  • Adjustable firmness level


  • Some initial odors
  • Some customers aren't too happy about the price

Nectar Pillow Review: PROS

When searching for the best possible pillow option out there, you’ll find that there are many different features that you should be keeping in mind and looking for.

Needless to say, some of them are going to be more important than others.

For example, let’s take fluffiness and support. A fluffy pillow is something that everyone wants, right? I mean, if the product retains shape and doesn’t need to be fluffed every single morning, that’s a nice plus! That said, this feature likely falls short in many people’s books when compared to a pillow that will support your neck and head.

Nectar Pillow Review: sleeping on a pillow.

One thing that I’ve noticed while doing research for this Nectar pillow review (it’s actually something that’s quite evident from other reviews, too) is that all of the “main” features of a pillow are going to be related to one another. Let me explain.

Say, you have a pillow that has an adjustable loft. You can raise or lower it at any given time. Automatically, this pillow is going to be at least somewhat suitable for all the main types of sleepers out there! Furthermore, while it’s not a “golden rule”, most adjustable pillows are going to be worse at retaining shape than their solid counterparts.

Nectar Pillow Review: inside the pillow.

While it is true that most essential aspects of a pillow intertwine, there are certain exceptions, nonetheless. Oftentimes, these exceptions are what make the product stand out of the crowd.

Are there any exceptions in this Nectar pillow review? Well, yes, a few. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves and take it from the top.

Fully Customizable Pillow

Customizable or adjustable pillows are those that allow you to change the height of the loft - we’ve established that already. However, as many customer Nectar pillow reviews have pointed out, whenever you “customize” your pillow, loft height isn’t the only thing that changes.

Think about the firmness of the pillow. While it’s somewhat of a controversial topic, many pillows these days have fixed firmness options - they don’t allow you to “switch things up” yourself.

Well, the Nectar pillows are different in this regard.

Nectar pillow review: a double pillow.

Nectar is often referenced as providing sleepers with “a pillow inside of a pillow”. Basically, the product comes to you packed full of cooling foam - once you receive it, you can then remove as much of the stuffing as you want.

Nectar pillows also have quilted memory foam outer layers - it’s like a separate pillow in of itself, providing different features from the cooling foam.

To be completely frank, I have to agree with many of the Nectar pillow reviews - this is actually one of the more unique and interesting designs as far as pillow products are concerned. It’s not every day that you’ll come across “a pillow inside of a pillow”. Nectar truly takes the “adjust your pillow” concept to a whole new level.

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A Very Cool Pillow

Since I’ve noticed this tends to cause some confusion, let me just get it out of the way here an now - whenever we talk about a pillow being “cool”, we’re (most likely) referencing the temperature of the object, and not the social standing that you’d possess if you’d own the pillow.

With that out of the way, I can firmly say - Nectar pillows sleep really cool.

Customer Nectar pillow reviews emphasize that this is mostly due to the fact that the pillow is filled with different kinds of cooling foams. That said, since the actual cover of the pillow is made out of Tencel material, you kind of get an all-around optimized product.

Nectar Pillow Review: stretching the top layer.

You see, many people claim that the pillow isn’t only good at absorbing and negating heat - it’s also quite resistant to moisture (due to the above-mentioned cover). In the way that it’s made, the Nectar pillow is probably mostly going to be appreciated whenever you have a fever.

Everyone likely knows that feeling of waking up in the middle of the night, drenched in sweat, with your mattress covers and pillow all soaking wet. To put it lightly, that’s not an ideal situation to be in. And while the Nectar mattress pillows aren’t really going to “heal” your fever while you sleep on them, they will certainly make the experience much more tolerable.


I’ve mentioned this at the beginning of the Nectar pillow review, but proper neck and head support is going to be one of the most important features when you’re looking for a pillow.

Proper support is made out of two main things - the firmness level of the pillow, and the height of the loft. We’ve already covered the fact that both of these features seem to be in-check with the Nectar mattress pillows.

Nectar Pillow Review: testing the firmness.

A product that offers bad support would be one that has either too high or too low of a loft. In these scenarios, once you lay your head down on the pillow, your neck will immediately get either arched up, or bent down. This is really bad news for your back, since your spine isn’t going to be aligned while you sleep.

Nectar Pillow Review: The Most Affordable Pillow of 2021?

Nectar Pillow Review: The Most Affordable Pillow of 2021?

Improper pillow support is one of the leading causes for morning sores, sleeplessness and back pains. Many customer Nectar pillow reviews add that since you (most likely) already spend a big portion of your day hunched and in uncomfortable positions, it becomes even more important to let your body rest comfortably during the night.

Easy to Clean

It’s no secret that cleaning a pillow can be a real hassle. This is especially true when you’re dealing with shredded foam products - these types of pillows often need to be completely spot-cleaned, since you can’t just throw them into the washing machine and be done with it.

Nectar pillow review: easy-to-wash pillow.

Nectar pillow reviews note that the product is actually very easy to clean and take care of. You can, indeed, spot-clean the outside of the pillow and be done with it - Nectar even references this on their own, official sales page.

Furthermore, the company actually hints at the fact that you don’t even really need to wash the pillow, in the first place (at least not machine-wash it). If there are visible spots that should be cleaned, all that you need to do is wash the exterior with warm water and some soap, and then let it dry.

Nectar Pillow Review: CONS

Reading through Nectar pillows reviews, you’re going to quickly find out that the product really doesn’t seem to have all that many bad sides to it. Admittedly, there are a few notable customer Nectar pillow reviews that seem to complain about the pricing of the product, but that’s actually nonsensical - I’ll explain why that’s the case when we get to talking about the prices.

Nectar pillow review: a contouring pillow.

That said, out of all of the sleeper Nectar pillows reviews that you may come across online, there’s but one notable issue that you might notice with the pillow - off-gassing.

Some Initial Odors

A “new pillow smell” is something that is unavoidable. Every new product that you purchase is going to have some initial odors - and I’m not even talking about sleeping accessories! Books, cars, CDs, bags… It’s completely normal.

That said, some items tend to have a longer-lasting smell than others. And, according to Nectar pillow reviews, this pillow is one of such items.

Nectar Pillow Review: mattress zipper.

You see, whenever you purchase a new pillow, the initial odor should dissipate relatively soon. However, with Nectar, customers claim that you might have to wait quite a bit longer than with your average pillow.

Initially, you might think this is a non-problem. Well, while that might perfectly well be the case for some, there are people who are very sensitive to different kinds of smells, and Nectar taking its time off-gassing could mean that you won’t be able to sleep on the pillow for that period of time. That’s not ideal.


Now, pricing. I’ve mentioned this earlier, but there are actually quite a few customer Nectar pillows reviews that aren’t too fond of Nectar’s pricing.

I honestly find that very surprising.

You see, the “standard” price for one of the highest-tier pillow is around $100. While there’s no specific “industry standard”, it’s just the average price that you’ll find with some of the best pillows out there.

That said, Nectar comes with just a single price option - $75.

Need I say more?

With this great price, you’ll also receive a 50-night sleep trial (that’s a bit short), and free shipping and returns.

An Alternate Way of Receiving the Nectar Pillow

While you can just purchase the pillow and be done with it, there’s actually an alternative way of how you can get two - yes, TWO - Nectar pillows FOR FREE.

What’s that alternative way? Purchasing the Nectar mattress.

Truth be told, I was actually surprised how many customer Nectar pillow reviews claimed that they actually received their pillows together with their mattresses. People claim that it’s actually a really fitting combination - the mattress complements the pillow, and the other way around.

If you’re interested in acquiring a new, quite affordable bed, but you’re still on the edge about it, you can check out our review of the Nectar mattress. Perhaps it will help you make up your mind? I can tell you right now, though - it’s one of the top-ranking mattresses in the industry.

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In the same way that the mattress industry is jam-packed full of various different products, pillows have seen a rise in the public interest as of late. It’s likely because of the multiple sleep information-based resources coming out with new information on how your mattresses, pillows and every other sleep accessory affects your overall health.

Nectar Pillow Review: stomach-sleeping.

That being said, it can get pretty hectic, and it might be difficult to find and choose the perfect pillow for yourself. In the same way that people read customer mattress reviews before actually going out and ordering a new bed, pillow reviews can really help you understand more about a particular product in question.

In general, customer Nectar pillow reviews are very positive towards this pillow. Sleepers note that it has effective cooling features, is easy to clean and take care of, and comes in a super-affordable price tag.

Nectar pillow review: a contouring pillow.

On top of that, the unique design of the pillow ensures that you’re going to be able to adjust the firmness (stuffing, insert, or any other way that you’d want to call it) of the product, without it loosing any of the above-mentioned features.

While the Nectar pillow truly does come at a very affordable price (when compared to some other high-end pillow products out there), you can actually receive two free units if you decide to purchase the Nectar mattress. If you’re interested, do check out our Nectar mattress review.

Other than that, if you decide to go ahead and purchase the Nectar pillow in the “traditional” way, you’ll also receive free shipping and returns in the US, and a 50-night sleep trial period. While it’s a bit short when compared to the standard 100 nights that you get with other pillows, it should suffice, nonetheless.

All in all, I hope that you’ve enjoyed this Nectar pillow review, and that you will be able to make up your mind easier on whether or not the product is worth investing in. Cheers, and good luck!

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Recent Nectar Pillow User Reviews

5.0/5.0 - Nectar Pillow Owner

Full review

I have been using their pillow for a month already and finally can write a full review. First of all, the pillow was shipped very quickly (I was pleasantly surprised). Also the package was a little too light so I was a bit worried. Fortunately the size of the pillow was the exact like I imagined it to be. And during this month there haven't been any issues with the quality of this pillow. It remains not too soft, not too firm. For now this product has been great!

Price value
Trials & Refunds
5.0/5.0 - Nectar Pillow Owner

Impressive cleaning system

I didn't know about it before, but i'm pretty impressed with it's feature, especially its cleaning system.

Price value
Trials & Refunds
5.0/5.0 - Nectar Pillow Owner

I recommend it

I definitely RECOMMEND IT! Very comfortable and easy to clean.

Price value
Trials & Refunds
5.0/5.0 - Nectar Pillow Owner

Good prices

Thanks for alowing us to discover these increadible features, prices are affordable i think given the benefits we get!

Price value
Trials & Refunds
5.0/5.0 - Nectar Pillow Owner


I have had a neck pain for years and finally I was able to find perfect pillow that can support my head and neck in any position. Strongly recommended

Price value
Trials & Refunds
5.0/5.0 - Nectar Pillow Owner

Valuable content, thanks!

Thank you for this valuable content, it seems nectar pillows are amazing!

Price value
Trials & Refunds
5.0/5.0 - Nectar Pillow Owner

If you want a great sleep

Gives good support for your head. Highly recommend and I will buy more for my family

Price value
Trials & Refunds
5.0/5.0 - Nectar Pillow Owner

Would recommend

Very comfortable and supportive pillow! Would recommend

Price value
Trials & Refunds
4.9/5.0 - Nectar Pillow Owner

I really need one

I'm a side sleeper, i guess it's perfect for me!! I've been strugling for while now with my pillow, so i'm gettin a nectar pillow!

Price value
Trials & Refunds
5.0/5.0 - Nectar Pillow Owner

Happy with it

I've bought one, amazing how it changed my way of sleeping, as stated on the review, it's fully customizable, so yeah i'm happy with it!

Price value
Trials & Refunds
5.0/5.0 - Nectar Pillow Owner

Odors are not a big deal!

I dont think odors matter that much, usually it's just for hours, so not problem.

Price value
Trials & Refunds
4.9/5.0 - Nectar Pillow Owner

I agree with the review

I agree with the reviews saying it's expensive, necar pillow is a little bit expensive, but given all the features it offers, i think it's a good investment.

Price value
Trials & Refunds
4.6/5.0 - Nectar Pillow Owner


Good pillow, weird initial smell,

Price value
Trials & Refunds
5.0/5.0 - Nectar Pillow Owner

Good buy

Great service. Fast shipping. Good buy!

Price value
Trials & Refunds
5.0/5.0 - Nectar Pillow Owner

Huge difference!

I never thought a pillow would make such a difference to my sleep, this nectar pillow is amazing.

Price value
Trials & Refunds
5.0/5.0 - Nectar Pillow Owner

Very Comfortable

Very comfortable! Cover and pillow itself is very soft. Not too firm but can support my neck and head just perfectly.

Price value
Trials & Refunds
5.0/5.0 - Nectar Pillow Owner

Amazing combination!

The combination with the mattress is just so comfy, i've never experienced such good nights!

Price value
Trials & Refunds
5.0/5.0 - Nectar Pillow Owner

Buying nectar pillow

I've already tried their mattress and i liked it. I'll buy their pillow too.

Price value
Trials & Refunds
5.0/5.0 - Nectar Pillow Owner

Amazing difference!

Amazing how i'm sleeping better, i strongly advise to get one!

Price value
Trials & Refunds
5.0/5.0 - Nectar Pillow Owner

Great sleep

Love the comfort and support it gives. Thanks.

Price value
Trials & Refunds


What does "a pillow within a pillow" mean?

The Nectar pillow is often referenced to be "a pillow within a pillow". That's because the product has an outer layer of quilted memory foam, and an innermost layer of cooling foam.

Can you adjust the firmness of the Nectar pillow?

Yes - the Nectar pillow is fully customizable as far as the topic of firmness is concerned. All that you have to do is either add or remove as much foam as you'd want from the pillow.

What does pillow "breathability" mean?

Whenever a pillow is "breathable", it means that either the cover, or the insert of the pillow (or both) are made in a way that doesn't obstruct airflow and keeps the pillow itself cool throughout the night.

What is the average price of a decent pillow?

While there is some debate around this topic online, the general consensus seems to be that the average price for a top-tier pillow product ranges at around the $100 mark. That said, you can definitely purchase a great pillow for much cheaper.

Should I purchase a single pillow?

While many people don't know this, you should always purchase two pillows (they can both be different, depending on your sleeping position and personal preference). The second pillow should go either between your legs or under your lower back area, so that your spine would remain perfectly aligned during the night.

Can one pillow only be suitable for a single sleeping position?

No. The same pillow can be great for all of the main sleeping positions. It all depends on the pillow's design, whether or not it has an adjustable loft and firmness level, and so on. That said, you should always double-check whether a pillow that you're opting to purchase is suitable for your sleeping position or not.