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Night terrors in adults: a woman sleeping.

Two out of every five children experience night terrors, also known as sleep terrors or pavor noctumus. Most of them grow out of it as they get older – nevertheless, you would be wrong to only think of it as a childhood issue.

While night terrors in adults do occur a lot less frequently and are not actually recognized as a medical condition, they still affect almost 2 percent of the population. If you don’t experience them yourself, it might be your relative or a loved one – therefore, it’s rather handy to know how to deal with night terrors as they occur.

Sue Peacock

Consultant Health Psychologist

What is important to know about night terrors in adults? Are they dangerous?

Night terrors are most common in children, but they can affect adults too. An adult can have night terrors at any time during the sleep cycle, and they are more likely to remember the dream than children are. Adults are more likely to have night terrors if they have a history of bipolar disorder or depression or anxiety. Sometimes, night terrors can lead to injury for the person or other people, especially if they thrash about or go sleepwalking as well. An adult is more likely to display aggressive behaviour than a child during night terrors.

What Exactly a Night Terror is – And What it is Not

The term itself is quite self-explanatory: night terrors in adults are episodes of intense fear that happen while you’re asleep. It’s a type of parasomnia, commonly defined by symptoms like:

  • The usual signs of panicincreased sweating, rapid breathing and heart rate
  • Confusion and blank starewide-open eyes, yet no actual responsiveness
  • Loud crying, screaming, and shouting
  • Convulsions and involuntary movement, such as kicking

Normally, night terrors in adults tend to last from under a minute to five minutes. However, in rare cases, it might last as long as ten minutes. As the person never reaches a fully awake state, they usually don’t remember the episode in the morning. That’s also why some people never look for night terrors treatment: they’re simply not aware of having them.

The problem is, a person who doesn’t know how to stop night terrors risks injuring themselves. Moving unconsciously yet intensely, they might fall out of bed or hit themselves to a hard surface nearby (think of a nightstand or a nearby wall).

In addition to that, you can hurt the person sleeping next to you, or simply harm their sleepespecially if the terrors occur on a regular basis. If you live in an apartment building, don’t be surprised if you receive some weird looks from your neighbors as well – a piercing scream in the middle of the night is definitely not music to everyone’s ears.

Night terrors in adults: a couple hugging.

While they might look similar at first, night terrors in adults should not be confused with nightmares. It’s true they can cause panic as well – however, in such a case, the frightened person wakes up fully and remembers the disturbing dream. Nightmares also rarely ever repeat in a regular manner, as night terrors tend to do.

Another clear difference is the state of sleep the accident occurs in. There are two main types of sleep that alternate during the night. They’re known as REM (rapid eye movement) and non-REM sleep. The eye movements are related to active dreaming, and so nightmares occur during the REM sleep, which takes up around a quarter of the whole sleep cycle. Night terrors in adults normally don’t involve any dreams and happen in the non-REM sleep stage. 

Sleepwalking, also known as somnambulism, is also often associated with night terrors. The truth is, some terrors do lead to sleepwalking: a person might sit up, get out of their bed, walk and even run around the house. In such cases, night terrors treatment is advised due to a higher risk of potentially harming yourself or others.

Not every case of sleepwalking is provoked by a night terror, and not every person experiencing night terrors will sleepwalk. However, both of these conditions occur during non-REM sleep, and some scientists even think that both sleepwalking and night terrors in adults can be caused by a person’s inability to maintain this stage of the sleeping cycle

What Causes Night Terrors in Adults and How to Prevent Them

For children, night terrors are often random – in most cases, no clear triggers can be identified. With adults, it’s a different story. If you’re looking at how to stop night terrors, a good place to start is getting to know all the possible reasons for one to occur.

Possible Triggers That Lurk in Your Mind

One of the most common triggers that can provoke night terrors in adults is simply not getting enough good quality sleep. If you only sleep a few hours every night and have a very inconsistent bedtime, there’s no wonder your body feels stressed and can't relax enough to rest properly. This is also an issue that commonly haunts frequent travelers: as you cross multiple time zones at an impressive speed, your sleep cycles simply can’t catch up!

Before falling asleep, a lot of us think about the day’s events and reflect on important conversations that took place. This is normal and usually does not affect the sleep of a healthy person. However, if you suffer from psychological issues such as severe stress, anxiety, or depression, you might not be able to get a good rest.

Night terrors in adults: a woman in distress.

If so, make sure to treat these problems before you look into how to deal with night terrors, as they can be directly related to your diagnosis.

Night terrors in adults can also be caused by trauma, such as a painful divorce or a nasty car accident. They are also rather common among people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), such as army veterans[1].

These patients have experienced very sudden or violent losses, assault, abuse, or had disturbing near-death experiences, which leaves them living with constant fear and barely-controllable anxiety. With conditions like that, it’s only natural for a night terror to creep in. If that is the case for you, make sure to consult a therapist and seek professional counseling.

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Physiological Reasons to Consider

On a lighter note, did you know your stomach can also get in the way of you trying to get a terror-free night sleep? To minimize the risk of an episode, there are three things you should stay away from:

  • Alcohol, which is known to affect the levels of melatonin in your system. Melatonin is a hormone that takes care of your internal clockas its level decreases, your natural sleep cycles might be disrupted as well.
  • Caffeine – try to avoid coffee, black tea, and other caffeinated beverages in the second half of your day. If you feel sleepy after lunch, beat that with a glass of orange juice or a brisk walk around the office instead!
  • Some types of medication, including, but not limited to, stimulants and antidepressants. Sleep can be disturbed by something as innocent as a cough syrup! If you feel like a certain drug has affected your sleeping pattern, consult your doctor about changing the dosage or the very type of medication to one that suits you better.

When discussing what causes night terrors in adults, we must also mention sleep apnea. It’s a condition that causes a person to temporarily stop breathing while they’re asleep. Episodes of apnea might last for seconds or minutes, and sometimes the brain might even try to wake the person up to save them from potential suffocation.

Night terrors in adults: a woman sleepwalking.

In such cases, a person might experience a micro-waking period: while they’re not fully awake, they’re awake enough to continue breathing. This can potentially be a great window for night terrors in adults to strike.

How to Stop Night Terrors from Affecting Your Daily Life

Before you start reading on how to deal with night terrors, consult your doctor and find out whether your suspicions are true. Upon confirming that what you or your loved one is experiencing is indeed night terrors, they will also be able to recommend the kind of treatment that suits your unique situation best.

Normally, there’s no need to worry about night terrors in adults. However, there are a few cases that might cause concern. Make sure to speak to a medical professional if the episodes are putting you at risk of injuring yourself or others, disturbing the sleep of your partner, or affecting your own daily life (i.e. by causing daytime sleepiness[2]).

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Diagnosing the Condition

There are two main ways for night terrors in adults to be diagnosed. First, you can have a simple conversation with your healthcare provider, during which you’d discuss your health history and all the medical reasons that might invoke night terrors. To prepare for the interview better, you can keep a sleep diary for a few weeks (or months) and register each night terror that occurs.

This will help your doctor to evaluate the frequency and intensity of your episodes.

Night terrors in adults: a man yawning.

Another option you can take is a polysomnographic test, which will require you to spend the night in a laboratory and have various tests performed while you’re sleeping. You are most likely to be filmed and get your heart rate, breathing rate, eye movements, and other vital factors evaluated.

However, this is not a widely available option, as it’s not too common for a medical institution to have its own sleep laboratory. Small supply means it might come at a price, too.

Choosing and Starting Night Terrors Treatment

We have already discussed what causes night terrors in adults, and you know there can be a multitude of reasons behind it. This also means there’s more than a single way to treat it.

If your night terrors are caused by a pre-existing medical condition such as depression, you should deal with it first. After all, why concentrate on symptoms when you can simply eliminate the cause? This is also the only case when treating night terrors in adults might require medication.

We can’t stress this enough: do not treat yourself without consulting a medical professional! Psychiatric drugs can only be prescribed individually after evaluating a bunch of various factors and the appropriate dosage varies from person to person.

Night terrors in adults: a woman doing yoga.

Needless to say, the best way to deal with stress-induced night terrors is avoiding stressful situationshowever, it’s not always an option. Plus, it often depends on your attitude more than the stressor itself. If you feel like you cannot deal with the situation on your own, don’t be afraid to seek counseling.

There are many types of psychotherapy to choose from, and every issue can be solved with the right approach. In addition to that, you can always look into complementary therapy, such as art therapy, yoga, or aromatherapy.

For some, night terrors are simply caused by a messy sleep pattern. Here are a few tips that might help you deal with them on your own:

  • Make sure you leave yourself enough time to sleep. This might look like a no-brainer – however, you had issues with that, didn’t you? Make it a habit to go to sleep eight hours before you need to get up. For example, if you set your alarm for 6 AM, you should be in your bed by 10 PM at the latest.
  • Avoid stimulants right before bedtime. Have your last meal of the day a few hours before bed, and spend your last hour without staring at screens. We’re talking computer, television, even your smartphone: the blue light these screens emit disturbs your internal clock, which results in having troubles falling asleep.
  • Do everything you need to feel safe and secure before sleep. Lock the doors, close the windows, move anything that might cause you to trip if you get up at night. Some night terrors in adults manifest in intense movements – if you’re experiencing something similar, it might also be a good idea to have your mattress closer to the ground. This way, you can’t injure yourself if you fall. If you tend to sleepwalk, think of moving sharp or breakable objects as well.
  • A sleep diary was mentioned above as a great way to prepare for your doctor’s appointment – however, you can find it useful to yourself as well. Getting to know the regularity of your episodes can be a great help in learning how to deal with night terrors. For example, if they happen at a similar time, you can prevent them by using an alarm to wake you up right before the delicate moment.

Understanding what causes night terrors in adults is the first step to dealing with them. By doing your research and looking for informative articles on the topic, you’re already on the right path. Take care of your body and mind – just like a battery, they run for longer when they’re freshly recharged!

Also, a brand new mattress might be just what you need to help you deal with sleep issues - well, at least alleviate them. Do look into that, too!

Sue Peacock

Consultant Health Psychologist

Contributed By Sue Peacock, Consultant Health Psychologist

Dr. Sue Peacock is a leading Consultant Health Psychologist registered with the Health and Care Professions Council. She is an Associate Fellow of The British Psychological Society and a Registered...

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Scientific References

Contributed by Sue Peacock, Consultant Health Psychologist

1. Don Richardson J, King L, St Cyr K, et al.: 'Depression and the relationship between sleep disturbances, nightmares, and suicidal ideation in treatment-seeking Canadian Armed Forces members and veterans.'

2. Lopez R, Jaussent I, Dauvilliers Y: 'Objective daytime sleepiness in patients with somnambulism or sleep terrors.'

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Recent User Reviews

Wake Up paralized

Very often I find myself waking up paralyzed, and waking in and out of different yet very realistic dreams. most times I do wake up sweating... It's so damn creepy!

So REAL, extremely awful :O

Suffering with night terrors is awful. They feel so real. I’ve dreamt that something been after my family and woke everyone up screaming. Hate it


its embarrassing to have these when you sleep next to someone?

Too much STRESS!

I've being experiencing night terrors lately, but I think is cause do to so much stressed. I think I do need to schedule an appointment with a doctor, soon. I have some other bothersome health issues lately, too. I'm going to wager a bet that they're all connected.

Screaming OUT LOUD

Had one last night where it felt like someone dropped down from the ceiling onto my chest and started choking me out. I woke up screaming really loud.

For quite some time

I've dealt with this for as long as I can remember... it's awful. :( I don't wish this to anyone.


Night terror is extremy scary. All my night terror is about my life is in danger


I've had these all my life. Just last night , I havent been able to sleep ..

Panic Attack.. Help!!

I have night terrors pretty often, a few times a week at least. Just last night I fell asleep around 3 am, then at 4 am I woke up in a full out panic attack. Can't avoid being embarrassed all the time :(

something new

I never knew about this diagnose


I strarted to see a psychotherapist because of that

Avoiding Bad Things

I sleepwalk, have night terrors, bouts of insomnia, and sleep paralysis, even at 30. I understand what triggers it and I avoid those things as much as I can.

good article

good article

Beyond Sorry

I’m doing research on night terrors for the novel I’m writing, and I just want to say I’m so beyond sorry for people who deal with this every night.

Get Medical Help!!!

Having a partner with these problems, being in bed with them and waking up to them screaming is pretty confronting. Getting help is the best way to go.

Traumatic Experience

I'm having this trouble for about a year now I'm 63 and I have been through a traumatic experience so maybe that's the problem. I'm so embarrassed.

They suck!

I'm 40 and I had one last night. They suck! Mine haven't been violent, I just run around the house. I don't think there is a way to treat them directly.. Might be wrong!


My doctor gave me a prescription for prazosin. It worked for sometime but I started experiencing low blood pressure and I was passing out when I stood up. Not quite the solution.

bad dream

Yup, it happens.

hate it

I hate when it happens


Can genetic factors cause night terrors in adults?

Interestingly enough, they can! Studies have shown that the absolute majority of people who experience night terrors have similar cases in their family history. Actually, the same goes with sleepwalking: while the numbers are lower, four out of every five sleepwalkers have one or more close relatives with the same condition. It has also been found that if one of the parents sleepwalk, children are twice as likely to experience night terrors (if both parents do, the risk almost triples). While sleeping on a proper mattress won't solve the issues, it might certainly alleviate it.

Can night terrors that my partner experiences affect me, too?

While it’s unlikely for the one who has night terrors to remember them clearly, the same cannot be said about their person sleeping next to them. For partners, night terrors actually pose a triple threat: damage can be done to their sleep quality, physical and mental health. Purchasing a mattress with top-tier motion isolation is one way to go about it - that said, your partner should still seek treatment if it's damaging their sleep.

What is a memory foam mattress?

Memory foam mattresses are created mostly from polyurethane and have additional chemicals added that increase its viscosity and density. It’s also often called “viscoelastic polyurethane foam”. In order to create the air movement and let your body “breath” while you sleep, it has open foam bubbles. Memory foam mattresses are created in a way to adapt to your body curves and to also recover their original shape after you get up. Therefore, this kind of top mattresses offer you the feeling as if is created specifically for you.

Do top rated mattresses offer a money-back guarantee? Is there a catch?

All of the top mattress brands offer a money-back guarantee. The free trial usually starts from 90 to 100 nights, and if you don’t like the mattress, you can simply give it back. The majority of best mattress providers will not only give your money back but will also come to get it for free. If the mattress provider is reputable, there won’t be any catch - everyone understands that you have to try the mattress before knowing if it fits you.

What is off-gassing? Is it poisonous?

Off-gassing refers to the odor which comes from a new mattress. It’s the process that happens when volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) leak out of the mattress foam into the air. Those chemicals include both human-made and natural components, including formaldehyde, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), benzene, trichloroethane, and perfluorocarbons. Top rated mattresses will have zero or very minimal off-gassing. Many of them are sent to the customer already after the off-gassing. Is it dangerous, though? Even though the smell can be unpleasant, there’s usually only a very small amount of chemicals that can do no harm to your health.

How long do top rated mattresses serve?

The durability of a mattress depends on the provider and the quality of the materials used. Usually, you get a 10-year warranty, which will be valid in case of any defects. Normally, mattresses will serve you from 7 to 10 years, or even longer. Thus, when you buy the best mattress, you should take it as a long-term investment.